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Gorina T.V.
Features of the innovative environment of a modern higher education institution
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-09-15

Igolnikova I.V., Vasin S.V.
The main problems of the development of the construction industry in modern Russia
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-16-21

Kiyutina I.I., Leonov S.A.
Disadvantages of digital advertising
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-22-27

Mityuchenko L.S., Kuznetsova M.V.
Artificial intelligence as an object of intellectual rights
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-28-34

Mikhaleva O.M., Kashnikova V.V.
Modern migration policy of Russia
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-35-41


Babosov E.M.
The specifics of the development of the fundamental social institution of the state in the 21st century (on the example of Russia and Belarus)
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-42-47

Gostenina V.I., Chivildeeva O.O.
The social wipe of the modern russian family
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-48-54

Zhdanova A.E.
Article about the relevance of involving youth in the process of urban space development
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-55-63

Shilina S.A., Shevchenko K.P.
Michel Foucault as the founder of the doctrine of discourse
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-64-70


Blinova Yu.V., Utemova K.E.
On some problems of the legal regulation of marketplaces in Russia
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-71-76

Vopilov N.N.
Cassation acts of judicial collegiums of the supreme court of the Russian Federation: a kind of judicial precedent or advisory judicial practice
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-77-86

Zadorin M.V.
Organization of legal education in the post-soviet period (90s – 2000s)
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-87-93

Rodina T.Yu., Zabugina A.A., Usyakov R.A.
Demographic problem in Russia and ways to solve it, additional measures to support large families
DOI 10.22281/2542-1697-2024-03-01-94-99